Released on January 4, 2025, “Disconnected” by Montreal artist Chris Quesnel is a heartfelt exploration of reflection, regret, and the hope for reconciliation. Born in the humble confines of his parent’s basement, the track captures raw emotion, seamlessly blending pop and indie elements. Inspired by artists like Justin Bieber and The Kid LAROI, Quesnel crafts a deeply personal narrative that resonates universally.
From the opening moments, “Disconnected” immerses listeners in a mood of melancholy. The song’s lyrics, such as “we’re disconnected. It wasn’t meant to be this way,” pierce through with their simplicity and sincerity. Quesnel’s vocal delivery, full of yearning and vulnerability, ensures every word feels genuine. The phrase speaks volumes, offering an unflinching glimpse into the emotional fallout of love gone awry.
The production, although understated is effective. Soft beats and carefully layered harmonies allow the focus to remain on Quesnel’s voice, which effortlessly carries the song’s weight. The transitions between verses and chorus are seamless. Such quality creates a natural flow mirroring the push-and-pull of the emotions being expressed.
The accompanying music video adds another layer to the song’s narrative. Scenes of solitude and longing are interspersed with moments of resolve, such as a character driving to mend a broken bond. These visuals perfectly complement the lyrics, grounding the story in relatable experiences.
“Disconnected” is more than just a song; it’s a shared moment of vulnerability between artist and listener. It captures the complexities of modern relationships with authenticity, proving that even in isolation, connection is possible. Chris Quesnel has crafted a compelling debut that feels both intimate and significant—a promising start for an artist unafraid to bare his soul.
Chris Quesnel’s “Disconnected” isn’t just a song—it’s an emotional reckoning. Every word feels intentional, as if carefully extracted it from a moment of personal truth.