Home » Reviews » The Speed of Dreaming: Love Ghost’s New EP

The Speed of Dreaming: Love Ghost’s New EP

The Speed of Dreaming EP by Love Ghost cover art


Do you ever have one of those dreams that sticks with you? The kind that feels so vivid and visceral, that you can practically taste the colors and textures swirling around in your mind’s eye? Well, that’s the vibe from Love Ghost’s new EP “The Speed of Dreaming.” Like someone bottled up the essence of the subconscious and distilled it into sonic form.

The opening track “Be Not Afraid” grabs you by the lapels and pulls you into this feverish, obsessive dreamscape. Those propulsive guitars and emotionally charged vocals conjure up images of tangled bedsheets and hearts racing with desire.

Love Ghost picture with love gesture
Love Ghost

From there, Love Ghost takes you on this wild, genre-bending ride effortlessly flowing between emo, pop, alt-rock, you name it. All while weaving in these lush, evocative threads of Spanish guitar that’ll transport you to another plane of existence. The track “ESPEJO” (collab with El SanI) is a real standout, with haunting lyrics that flit between English and Spanish.

The real showstopper is “LUNA AZUL” – a pulse-pounding emo-pop-rock banger featuring Mexican artists Helian and MONDE. It’s a pure adrenaline rush tempered with a tinge of longing that’ll leave you dizzy.

Then, just when you think you’ve got Love Ghost all figured out, they hit you with the soulful, introspective “Wallflower.” This tender acoustic number, dressed with modern synth embellishments, is like the musical equivalent of those quiet moments just before you wake up. Fragile, raw, and utterly human.

 Love Ghost in a chair with a guitar

“The Speed of Dreaming” is so special because it combines all these disparate elements – different genres, different cultures, different mediums – into one wildly ambitious, borderless artistic vision. Love Ghost brought together creators from all over the globe, beckoning them with a spirited “Hey, jump into our dream realm and let’s build something extraordinary together.”

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