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The latest release from Peter Daniel, the celebrated Seattle saxophonist, is now available through Music Factory Records. “Miles Around”, the second single in his Quartets project features incredible musicians including Marina Christopher on bass, Marina Albero playing Fender Rhodes, and Heather Thomas holding down drums. This effortlessly cool track boasts a hard-hitting groove that you could practically walk on and infectious bass lines destined to be sampled for years to come in hip-hop jams.

This instrumental track stretches across 5 minutes and 48 seconds, weaving together a tapestry of nostalgia, grooves, study vibes, relaxation, funk, jazz, and edgy elements. Peter Daniel’s name has become synonymous with awesome jazz music that seamlessly combines great musical notes – an absolute must-listen!
Marina Christopher’s part on ‘Miles Around’ showcases a mesmerizing bassline, reminiscent of Ron Carter, that sets the tone for an unforgettable musical journey. The song features stellar performances from Peter Daniel on saxophones, Marina Albero on Fender Rhodes, and Heather Thomas on drums. Starting with a steady “pocket-watch groove,” where hi-hats tick away in 16 months, it quickly evolves into a dynamic, syncopated soundscape with incredible breakdown runs. Heather’s open-handed drumming style adds to the brilliance as she seamlessly connects with Marina’s ever-evolving bass-lines creating some truly magical moments throughout the piece.

The captivating aspect of ‘Miles Around’ lies in the tight synchronization between the bass and drums, enabling artistic freedom for both Rhodes and Sax to flaunt their prowess. The brilliant Peter Daniel channels warm tones reminiscent of Stan Getz while showcasing virtuosity akin to Charlie Parker, complemented by distinct hooks and countermelodies. His musical finesse allows cool interplays between saxophone and Rhodes – from smooth glissandos to mesmerizing moments where staccato notes from sax blend seamlessly with off-beat accents on Rhodes creating a truly immersive stereo experience.
A personal favorite is when these two instruments engage in call-and-response sequences mimicking vocal interactions so beautifully that it’s goosebump-inducing! Let’s all stream this marvelous hit.