In a world seemingly obsessed with speed, award-winning duo Sahara CyberStars offers a tearful reflection. Their latest single, “Modern Life,” digs into the ever-increasing pressure we face, questioning if our relentless pursuit of “more” is leading us anywhere but to exhaustion.
“Modern Life” opens with an inviting groove that feels oddly comforting despite its underlying message. Think of sparkling drumbeats like sunshine on water, with a guitar melody stretching out leisurely like a hammock during summer. Dave Long’s vocals then take center stage, a raspy energy tinged with longing for a simpler past. The soulful harmonies that weave throughout the song add a layer of nostalgia, like a bittersweet echo of bygone days.
The lyrics are where “Modern Life” truly shines. Lines like, “
Modern man,
Living in a caravan,
Trying to improve his plight
Working day and night
Movie screen
Showing life as it has been
But it doesn’t seem
Like he’s livin’ the dream
The song challenges us to consider if we’re truly happier with our always-connected, always-on lifestyles. The chorus pleads, “Sometimes I want to go and lose myself in the past, I want to go slow, yesteryear was not so fast.” A sentiment many listeners will likely find themselves nodding along to.
The bridge takes a beautiful turn, introducing a lush brass section that injects a dose of romanticism and grandeur. The sound is reminiscent of classic blues and jazz. Its leisurely pace is a stark contrast to the frenetic energy of modern life.
“Modern Life” has more to it than just a tune, it’s a call to action. Sahara CyberStars compels us to re-evaluate whether the relentless pursuit of “modern life” is truly worth the stress. The song leaves a lingering question.
Can we find a way to embrace the good aspects of progress while reclaiming a sense of balance and peace in our ever-hurried world?
Full Lyrics of “Modern Life” by Sahara CyberStars
Verse 1.
Modern man,
Living in a caravan,
Trying to improve his plight
Working day and night
Verse 2.
Movie screen
Showing life as it has been
But it doesn’t seem
Like he’s livin’ the dream
Sometimes I want to go
And lose myself in the past
I want to go slow
Yesteryear was not so fast
Verse 3.
Working mum
Feels like it’s not much fun
Can’t get things done
She’s always on the run
Verse 4.
Modern life
Getting harder all the time
Can’t catch a break
More give than take
Music & Lyrics By Dave & Trish Long 12th March 2024
Sahara CyberStars ‘Modern Life’ ©Sahara Music 2024