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Wanderlust Highway by Josh Jensen cover art

Wanderlust Highway by Josh Jensen is Available Now

Follow Josh Jensen via: Seattle singer-songwriter Josh Jensen continues to enchant audiences with his new single, “Wanderlust Highway.” Known for blending acoustic folk with blues-rock, Jensen’s latest track is a testament to his versatility and storytelling prowess. “Wanderlust Highway” is a heartfelt ode to the spirit of adventure and exploration. The song begins with soulful…

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Moon Metro group picture

Moon Metro “Explorer”: A Journey of Liberation and Self-Discovery

Follow MOON METRO via: Taking listeners on a powerful exploration of freedom and self-discovery is Moon Metro with their debut EP, “Explorer.” This collection of songs is a deeply personal story about breaking free from limitations and embracing individuality. “Explorer” is the brainchild of Tillmann Frohberg, who rediscovered his passion for music during the lockdowns…

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