Home » Reviews » Apothecary: A Global Elixir by Intercontinen7al Band

Apothecary: A Global Elixir by Intercontinen7al Band

Apothecary by Intercontinen7al song cover art

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Intercontinen7al has consistently pushed the boundaries of what it means to create music, and their latest single, “Apothecary,” from Volume 5, is no exception. Recorded across all seven continents, this track is not just a song but a testament to the power of global collaboration.

Matt Smith picture for his song Apothecary
Matt Smith

Known for their unique approach to music-making, Intercontinen7al brings together musicians from different corners of the world, blending their diverse influences into a cohesive, 90s alternative rock-inspired sound. “Apothecary” draws the listener in with its laid-back yet compelling guitar riff, reminiscent of the iconic Red Hot Chili Peppers. Matt Smith’s work on the guitar and synth lays a dreamy, atmospheric foundation.


Kelly Wandless’ vocals are the true star of “Apothecary.” Hailing from the UK, Wandless brings a smooth, ethereal quality to the song that complements the instrumental backdrop perfectly. The lyrics are delivered with a sincerity that enhances the track’s emotional impact, making the listener feel every word.

Around the two-minute mark, “Apothecary” takes an unexpected turn. The rhythm shifts, and the song delves into a psychedelic universe, echoing the experimental sounds of the 70s. This abrupt change is surprisingly satisfying, showcasing the band’s willingness to take risks and defy genre conventions.

The jangly guitars give way to sci-fi-inspired electronic sounds, adding a layer of complexity to the track that keeps the listener engaged.

Alex Burke’s bass work grounds the song, providing a steady rhythm that contrasts beautifully with the more experimental elements. The balance between the traditional rock instruments and the electronic sounds is expertly handled. The final moments of the track, where the string accompaniment comes into play, are particularly striking.

Alex Burke picture on the song Apothecary
Alex Burke

In a Music era where many bands stick to tried-and-true formulas, Intercontinen7al’s willingness to experiment is refreshing. “Apothecary” offers a unique listening experience that is rewarding.

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