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Introducing “Bitter Pill”: A Compelling Anthem of Empowerment and Exposing Betrayal

Bitter Pill

Josephine De Smet has released a captivating new single titled “Bitter Pill.” This emotionally charged song, set in an ominous atmosphere, delves into the discovery of a painful truth: “I found out I was the ‘other woman’ in a relationship”. With its empowering lyrics and infectious melody, “Bitter Pill” takes listeners on a journey of vengeance, strength and a bittersweet aftermath.

Through it’s evocative lyrics, the song paints a vivid picture of shattered trust, seething anger and the reawakening of self-worth as the protagonist expresses her refusal to be silenced or ignored. The song confronts the cheater’s actions and questions their courage to face the consequences of their betrayal. The fusion of commanding vocals and catchy electronic pop melodies, effortlessly intertwines with the powerful message, leaving a lasting impression on listeners, from the menacing opening lines to the anthemic chorus, every note resonates with authenticity and emotion.

The song showcases Josephine’s remarkable artistry and vocal prowess, ringing with audiences who appreciate authentic and thought-provoking compositions. “I wanted to make a song that doesn’t just victimize the listeners in similar situations, I wanted to encourage them to self-discover and reclaim power.”

With 11 releases under her belt, Josephine De Smet has acquired 2.4k subscribers on YouTube, 468 followers on Instagram, as well as 138 followers on Spotify. Her previous release “Enemy” got 500 plus streams in its first month and got on several user generated playlists as well as Spotify’s EQUAL Belgium.

“Bitter Pill” is available on all major streaming platforms…

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