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Quello che Resta: Logeion Takes Flight with a New Single

Quello che Resta by Logeion cover art


Italian prog-rockers Logeion enthralls listeners with their latest single, “Quello che Resta” (translated as “What’s Left”). Emerging from Rome’s energetic music scene, the song showcases the band’s unique blend of progressive and hard rock influences.

Atto Primo on Quello che Resta
Atto Primo Album

The song’s creation story itself adds a layer of intrigue. Composed during the isolating period of the pandemic, “Quello che Resta ” assets Logeion’s creative spirit and determination. Though lengthy, it allows the band to create a rich mix of sound, seamlessly transitioning between moments of brooding intensity and soaring guitar solos. Intricate guitar work by the band lays the groundwork, while vocalist Luca Lenzini delivers compelling lyrics sung in Italian.

The lyrics explore the struggle of navigating personal challenges and the desperate search for hope. Lines like “Sotto l’ombra mi proteggo and Senza germogliare” (In the shadows I protect myself / Without sprouting) showcase the feeling of being trapped and wanting growth. This introspective quality resonates deeply, inviting listeners to connect with the song’s emotional core.

Quello che Resta
Luca Lenzini

However, “Quello che Resta” isn’t simply a melancholic ballad. The song’s energy shifts throughout, keeping the listener engaged. This willingness to experiment is a hallmark of Logeion’s sound. Interestingly, the band honed their sound and even created their debut album, “Atto Primo,” during the very same pandemic lockdowns. Despite the physical distance, this challenging period brought the band members closer, fostering a deep connection that shines through in their music.


Logeion’s frontman, Luca Lenzini, perfectly coins the essence of the song with his statement: “We don’t care how long or short a song is. The important thing is that it reaches the listener!” This dedication to emotional connection is evident in every note. “Quello che Resta” transcends the boundaries of a typical prog rock song, offering a powerful message about the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity.


Sotto l’ombra mi proteggo
Senza germogliare
Fa male è inevitabile
Provo a togliere l’inchiostro
Del prezzo dai respiri
Fa male è indelebile
Sotto costo compro i pezzi
Del mio futuro
Per un po’ è appagabile
La sensazione poi scompare
E svendo il tempo
Il mio, falso inesauribile
Allora afferro un angelo
Che prenderà quello che può
Amerà i gesti più semplici
Colmando il vuoto che ho
E’ un pensiero patetico lo so
Ma non mi lascia solo
Così il cuore non muore mai
E resto in volo

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