Home » Reviews » Cool Kid by The Marsh Family: A Funk-Pop Gem

Cool Kid by The Marsh Family: A Funk-Pop Gem

Cool Kid by The Marsh Family song cover art

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The Marsh Family, a real-life musical group of six from Kent, has transitioned from their charming home-produced videos to the polished sound of their first studio single, “Cool Kid.” Released on August 16, 2024, this track marks a significant step for the family, who became global sensations during the 2020 lockdowns with their humorous and heartwarming parodies.

“Cool Kid” dives into the increasingly pertinent issue of appearance versus authenticity, where social media often distorts reality. The song, primarily sung by the daughters Ella and Tess, confronts the pressures of maintaining a perfect online persona. With lyrics like “Hashtags never made a lasting friend,” the track delivers a powerful reminder to prioritize genuine connections over superficial appearances.

Cool Kid
Marsh Family

The song kicks off with a syncopated wah-wah guitar riff that immediately grabs attention. The super-funky bassline rumbles beneath the surface, further enhancing the groove and creating a rhythm that’s impossible not to move to. The drumming is tight and precise, with a kick drum that pulses with a steady beat and a snare that crackles on the backbeat. Together, these elements create a rhythmic foundation that is dynamic.

The vocal performances are equally impressive. The Marsh daughters bring a sassy, confident energy to the song, delivering the lyrics with a blend of attitude and sincerity that adds depth to the message. Their harmonies are crisp and jazzy, blending seamlessly with the instrumental backing to create a sound that is both polished and full of personality.

In terms of cultural relevance, “Cool Kid” is a timely song that addresses the challenges of growing up in a digital age. Not only does it entertain but also encourages listeners to reflect on their own online behaviors and authenticity. It’s a must-listen for anyone looking for an engaging take on the complexities of modern life.

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