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Chaos: Gary Dranow’s New Single

Chaos by GARY DRANOW single cover art

FOLLow Gary Dranow viA:

With us again is the singer-songwriter Gary Dranow, known for his Tuesday night live streams, recently released a new single titled “Chaos” on January 25th, 2024. The song is from his album “Never Give Up.” True to his signature style, the track blends classic rock with modern production into a hard-hitting social commentary. 

Centered around Dranow’s songwriting and guitar work, “Chaos” kicks off with his powerful lead vocals over a bed of distorted blues licks. As the drums crash in, the song builds to the key line “Liberty’s Keepers in silence amused”. An indictment aimed at Republican leadership’s refusal to stand against political disinformation and extremism.

Gary Dranow

When the full band explodes into the chorus, it becomes clear that Dranow is channeling the anger and bewilderment of so many Americans witnessing the GOP’s descent into dysfunctional tribalism. The anthemic distortion evokes a classic hard rock style even as the pointed lyrics anchor the track in current events. Dranow aptly describes it as speaking “the plain and simple truth” about elected officials prioritizing power over democratic principles. The cathartic sonic assault offers a musical embodiment of righteous outrage.

Chaos Forges Transnational Rock Alliance

Beyond Dranow’s artistic vision, “Chaos” demonstrates the unique chemistry he’s developed with The Manic Emotions, a transnational collective spanning from Utah to Ukraine to Australia. Arranger Chris Zoupa’s fretwork mixes effortlessly with Roman Kuznetsov’s rhythmic propulsion, while Jason Jones’ production imbues real depth. Together, they’ve forged an impassioned rock anthem brimming with the spontaneity of a garage jam session. Fans of Stevie Ray Vaughn and Metallica will find much familiarity in its bluesy hard rock contours, but the lyrical focus on current affairs lends “Chaos” an electrifying relevancy.

Picture of Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions

Ultimately, Dranow and company have transformed dismay over partisan dysfunction into stirring musical catharsis. Proving great art can emerge even in troubled times. Chaos deserves a spot in your playlist!

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