Home » Reviews » JusKolMeAL: ‘Other People’s Money’ Original single

JusKolMeAL: ‘Other People’s Money’ Original single

Other People’s Money by JUSKOLMEAL Ep cover art

fOLLow JusKolMeAl viA:

JusKolMeAL, a rising New York hip hop artist, recently released a new 7-track album titled “Other People’s Money.” This record showcases JusKolMeAL’s versatile style and impressive lyrical skills over soulful old-school inspired beats.

From the first listen, you can tell JusKolMeAL has a deep respect for hip hop’s roots while also pushing the genre forward. The production has an authentic vibe, using vinyl crackles and smooth jazz samples to anchor JusKolMeAL’s modern flow. Songs like “Progress” seamlessly fuse laidback 90’s beats with buttery R&B vocals and catchy hooks.


However, JusKolMeAL also ventures into more adventurous territory. “Cheat Code” utilizes futuristic synths and off-kilter rhythms to back the emcee’s witty wordplay and inventive lyrical flows. Similarly, “Drama” has an abrasive electronic edge, with JusKolMeAl passionately reflecting on street life over the tense soundscapes.

Overall, JusKolMeAl strikes an impressive balance between old school and new school. At times you feel immersed in hip hop’s golden era; at others you are excited by inventive fresh production elements. But the core of insightful lyrics and silver-tongued delivery remains constant.


Fans will also appreciate how JusKolMeAl avoids well-worn rap tropes. Instead of bragging about wealth, his songs thoughtfully explore personal growth and real struggle. The record has raw energy but also emotional maturity.

With standout tracks like “Cheat Code” and “Drama” showcasing both supreme wordplay and cinematic production, “Other People’s Money” makes a strong case for JusKolMeAl being one of New York’s most promising talents. His classic foundations fused with modern creative vision make for an instantly replayable listen.


Give JusKolMeAl’s new album a spin if you want some substance with your beats. Hip hop heads longing for 90’s authenticity and fans hungry for innovation should both find plenty to enjoy in this versatile record rooted in skillful artistry.

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