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Justin Ryan: ‘Little Cabin Boy’

Justin Ryan 'Little Cabin Boy'

Justin Ryan Ruiz, aka the “Trashman Plays Piano,” released his album “Little Cabin Boy.” It’s a remarkable journey of perseverance and self-taught talent. Despite being rejected by music school, Justin found his rhythm as a trashman, saving up to buy his first two pianos. Now, his music captivates a global audience on Spotify and YouTube, with over 125 monthly listeners from Frankfurt to Lagos.

“Little Cabin Boy” showcases Justin’s original compositions and reflects his deep commitment to his craft. It’s filled with lively tempo and uplifting melodies, bringing joy and brightness to his life against all odds.

Fans have been moved by the album, describing it as deeply profound. It’s a perfect blend of captivating rhythms and subtle changes in volume that lead to an impactful climax. This collection breaks new ground while still feeling familiar, offering a fresh take on classical piano that has firmly established Justin Ryan Ruiz in the world of classical music.

Heathclif, the curator of The Lions Ground Entertainment Group, personally reached out to Justin Ryan and shared his thoughts on the piece “Little Cabin Boy.” He mentioned how the opening notes struck a chord with him, with a tempo that invigorates like a brisk morning walk. The melody lifts the spirits, reminiscent of the first warm rays of sunshine after a long winter. The innovative harmony dances around the melody, sometimes leading and sometimes following, adding a layer of depth akin to a twist in a well-told tale.


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